Restoration Leadership Exam 1 Certified Healthcare Restoration Technician Certification Exam 1 / 100 1) The average number of beds are in a medium-sized hospital is: 1-99 100-499 500-1000 1000-1500 1500+ 2 / 100 2) Small, rural hospitals are often referred to as: Alternate Care Sites Rural Healthcare Centers Critical Access Hospitals Rural Healthcare Facilities Rural Access Hospital 3 / 100 3) The most important thing hospitals need in regard to construction is: Skilled workers Cheap labor Money Permits Administrators 4 / 100 4) According to the CDC, The number of patients that contract an HAI in the United States daily is: 1 in 2 1 in 100 1 in 500 1 in 25 1 in 50 5 / 100 5) The percentage of property losses that are water related is: 60% 70% 85% 90% 100% 6 / 100 6) The correct way to calculate the amount of water discharged from a ruptured water line is: Diameter of water line and flow rate Ask the building owner Flow rate only Measure the standing water Diameter of water line only 7 / 100 7) An overhead loss is considered the most problematic because of: The need for additional labor The need to perform work above shoulder height The high risk for contents loss Thermal imaging not working on ceilings The potential for trapped water 8 / 100 8) Pressurizing walls or ceiling cavities is a concern due to: Cost Extra labor Hidden conditions Lack of equipment Not a concern 9 / 100 9) Vinyl wall covering was commonly installed in hospitals because it: Looks nice Has multiple designs to choose from Is hard to clean Is easy to clean Is required by federal law 10 / 100 10) The most important person in the healthcare environment is: The CEO The patient The doctors The nurses The family members 11 / 100 11) If a contractor loses their ID they should: Let a co-worker know Don't worry about it and get a new one when you can Make arrangements for someone to let them on the job-site each day Tell hospital administration Report it to security and get a new one 12 / 100 12) Owners of healthcare organizations expect contractors to be: Knowledgeable about the healthcare environment From large companies From small companies Able to cut corners when necessary Solely in charge of the project with no additional input 13 / 100 13) Patients expect: Constant intrusions Quiet environments Construction projects to be noisy at times Contractors to be dirty because it is part of their job To have a less than clean environment if a construction project is happening 14 / 100 14) You are working in a hospital and notice that someone you know is a patient. You decide to: Post about them on Facebook because it's OK as long as you know them personally Call some family and friends to let them know Do nothing because it is a violation of patient confidentiality and HIPAA laws Ask the nurse if you can look at their chart to see what's wrong with them Send an e-mail to co-workers letting them know that the person is in the hospital 15 / 100 15) It is acceptable to prop a door open in a hospital if: Other co-workers are present The door is in a non-patient care area You will be back in less than 5 minutes It is not a security system controlled door It is never acceptable to prop open a door in a hospital due to fire safety regulations 16 / 100 16) The primary accreditation agency used by most hospitals is: The National Fire Protection Association The Life Safety Council DNV The Joint Commission The Facility Guidelines Institute 17 / 100 17) A common challenge for healthcare contractors is: Working with different tools Compliance with unfamiliar rules and regulations Wearing personal protective equipment Showing up to work on time There are no healthcare specific challenges 18 / 100 18) Site inspections of ongoing work should be conducted: On a strict, scheduled basis Whenever time allows Only when working overnight Only when working during the day Randomly, to ensure protocols are being followed at all times 19 / 100 19) HIPAA stands for: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Healthcare Innovation and Patient Accountability Act Hospital Interventions for Patients with Acute Arthritis Hospital Insurance and Patient Affordability Act Health Insurance and Patient Advocacy Act 20 / 100 20) It is acceptable for contractors to smoke on hospital property: At all times In their vehicles It is never acceptable to smoke anywhere on hospital grounds In designated areas In the dock area 21 / 100 21) When working in healthcare, sub-contractors need to be: As cheap as possible Educated about working in the healthcare environment Left unattended to complete their work In direct contact with hospital leadership Encouraged to cut corners to get the job done faster 22 / 100 22) The minimum clearance that must be maintained in a corridor is: 4 feet clear width 5 feet clear width 6 feet clear width 7 feet clear width 8 feet clear width 23 / 100 23) A common problem for visitors and patients caused by construction is: Worker presence The use of containment A well performed construction risk assessment The removal of wayfinding signage Workers following security protocols 24 / 100 24) According to the ICRA Matrix, a project involving major demolition would be classified as a: Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E 25 / 100 25) A best practice for general contractors inspecting a job-site would be to: Trust your sub-contractors, there is nothing to worry about Let healthcare facility managers handle that Perform a thorough inspection, ensure that the space is clean and all protocols are being followed Get by when you can to see how things are going Call ahead and let the sub-contractors know you're coming by to inspect 26 / 100 26) ILSM stands for: Interventions and Life Safety Movement International Life Safety Movement Interim Life Safety Measures Increased Life Safety Measures Intermediate Life Saving Measures 27 / 100 27) Contractors working in healthcare require: Specialized training Expensive equipment Higher pay Longer work hours Higher levels of personal protective equipment 28 / 100 28) Contractors, as a best-practice, should: Store all materials on site for easy access Store all materials on site for easy access Store debris on the job-site, but keep it out of the way Store large quantities of combustible materials in the work area Leave the job-site dirty at the end of the day, it can be cleaned once the project is over 29 / 100 29) An example of an ILSM would be: Propping doors open for an easy exit Removing wayfinding signage Blocking fire exits Using non-fire rated plastic sheeting for containment Fire watches 30 / 100 30) Risks from noise, blocked exits, and disruptions in utilities are generally accounted for in the: Interim Life Safety Report Pre-Construction Risk Assessment Environment of Care rounds Post-Construction Risk Assessment Interim Life Safety Assessment 31 / 100 31) An example of a negative impact to life safety would be: Adding additional wayfinding signage Performing fire watches Using fire-rated hard containment Penetrating a fire barrier Generating dust from sanding on a project 32 / 100 32) When transporting debris through the hospital, contractors should: Take the fastest route Cover the debris, but use the fastest route Store debris for removal at the end of the project Utilize their best judgement on the route Adhere to the planned route and cover all debris when traveling through the facility 33 / 100 33) The Portal of Exit in the chain of infection refers to: The path in which a pathogen leaves the host or reservoir Direct and Indirect Contact Mucus membranes and skin breaks Immune compromised patients Hand hygiene 34 / 100 34) Air would be an example of a: Susceptible Host Mode of Transmission Agent Portal of Entry Portal of Exit 35 / 100 35) The amount of annual deaths linked to HAIs in healthcare is: 50,000 2,000,000 100,000 5,000 1,000,000 36 / 100 36) High-touch areas can contribute to the following type of transmission: Air Measure the standing water People Surface Manual 37 / 100 37) A project that is small scale, short duration, with minimal dust would be classified as a: Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E 38 / 100 38) An example of a high-risk patient group would be: Patients in a doctor's office Respiratory Therapy patients Radiology patients Physical Therapy patients Pediatric patients 39 / 100 39) According to the ICRA Matrix, painting an office with no sanding involved would be classified as a: Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E 40 / 100 40) An example of a non-infectious risk would be: Blood C.diff Asbestos Norovirus Acinetobacter 41 / 100 41) Contractors can be a likely source of contamination in healthcare from: Following infection control guidelines Using proper containment procedures Wearing PPE appropriately Contaminants carried on their clothes Having a prior existing medical condition 42 / 100 42) The 3 primary types of containment used are: New, Used and Damaged There are only 2 types of containment There is only hard containment Hard, Soft and Portable There is only soft containment 43 / 100 43) Airflow in the operating room is normally considered: Positive Pressure Negative Pressure Isolation Pressure High Pressure Low Pressure 44 / 100 44) Negative pressure is best described as: Pushing air from clean to dirty Pulling air from clean to dirty Pushing air from dirty to clean Pulling air from dirty to clean Air that is exhausted without concern for where it travels 45 / 100 45) The ICRA process includes this many steps in order to determine the Class of the project: 1 step 2 steps 3 steps 4 steps 5 steps 46 / 100 46) When performing a terminal clean, an accepted method is: Dirty to clean Side to side Bottom to Top Peripheral Cleaning Clean to dirty 47 / 100 47) When performing an ICRA, the following team must always be included: Security Environmental Services Food and Nutrition Administration Infection Control 48 / 100 48) In the ICRA, a Class II project might be: A small renovation with minimal dust in a radiology unit A full demo in a cancer treatment unit Replacing fixtures, sanding, and painting in the Emergency Department A demo and new build of office space adjacent to the Operating Room Painting in a closed office area 49 / 100 49) A common system that healthcare contractors should be aware of is: Health Information Systems Telehealth Systems Medical Gas systems Intranet Systems Medical Records Systems 50 / 100 50) According to the ICRA Matrix, patients in an operating room would be classified at the following risk level: Low Medium Intermediate High Highest 51 / 100 51) ICU rooms have specific construction requirements that include: Open toilet rooms Minimum of 200 square feet per bed No sunlight Must be negatively pressurized Include a 1 to 1 nurse to patient ratio 52 / 100 52) Mold needs 3 things to grow. Food, Moisture and: Warm, humid conditions Air Sunlight Extreme cold Low humidity 53 / 100 53) Moisture mapping includes taking readings from: Windows Outside in the ground Ceilings Water lines Toilets 54 / 100 54) An ATP meter is used to: Test for Asbestos Measure airflow and pressure differentials Test for mold Measure biological energy for possible contamination Measure particles in the air 55 / 100 55) Identifying labor needs can be completed by assessing: The financial status of the company Secondary damage risk The time the loss occurred Who is on call Who is in charge that day 56 / 100 56) Unplanned events may include: Painting an office space Fire damage Renovations New construction System upgrades 57 / 100 57) What moisture content (MC) is necessary for germination? 10% 15% 18% 20% 22% 58 / 100 58) Drywall should be disposed of: Immediately Within 24 hours Within 48 hours At the end of the job After the results of an Asbestos survey are received 59 / 100 59) The type of patients normally found in a Neonatal ICU/ NICU would be: Adults with cancer Adults with liver disease Children under 18, but older than 2 Infants Adults recovering from surgery 60 / 100 60) Existing (or hidden) conditions that may cause health issues in healthcare may include: Mold Poor paint jobs Incorrectly installed tile Incorrectly installed carpet Pneumatic tube systems 61 / 100 61) A particle counter measures: Water molecules present in materials Concentrations of particles in the air Radioactive particles C.diff spores Mold growth 62 / 100 62) OSHA requires contractors to have what type of training when working in healthcare: CPR ACLS HAZWOPER Bloodborne pathogens OSHA 30 63 / 100 63) In hospitals, lead-lined drywall is often found in: Operating Rooms Intensive Care Units Emergency Department Radiology Areas Physical Therapy 64 / 100 64) The Life Safety Code refers to: NFPA 99 IICRC S500 NFPA 101 Joint Commission Standards OSHA 1910.120 65 / 100 65) In the healthcare world, EOC generally refers to: Emergency Operating Controls Environment of Care Environment of Caution Evaluation of Criticality Emergency Operations Command 66 / 100 66) According to the ICRA Matrix, patients in the Endoscopy lab would be classified at the following risk level: Low Medium Intermediate High Highest 67 / 100 67) The minimum safe distance from the MR System at which the static field poses no physical threat to the general public is: .5 G Line 2.5 G Line 3 G Line 5 G Line 10 G Line 68 / 100 68) The term HAI stands for: Hospital Advanced Infection Healthcare Administered Insurance Healthcare Acquired Insurance Hospital Associated Information Healthcare Acquired/Associated Infection 69 / 100 69) According to the S500, structural voids penetrated by Cat 2 or 3 water should be: Dried with high pressure air Left closed in order to not spread contamination Opened and materials cleaned, decontaminated and dried to acceptable goals Cleaned only Dried only 70 / 100 70) "Oncology" refers to the following patient group: Cancer Patients Heart Patients Pediatric Patients Transplant Patients Surgical Patients 71 / 100 71) A group that should always be included in the Pre-Construction Risk Assessment would be: Administration Nursing Physicians Facilities Engineering Food and Nutrition 72 / 100 72) According to the ICRA Matrix, construction projects have how many classes? 2 3 4 5 6 73 / 100 73) Hospital project teams should be made up of: Mostly nursing Multiple stakeholders from impacted departments Facilities engineering only Administrative personnel General contractors only 74 / 100 74) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is an example of a: Governing body for healthcare Local agency Federal law enforcement agency State health department Joint Commission approved agency 75 / 100 75) HAIs can be caused by: Workers who smoke Asbestos Silica Lead A lack of cleanliness and contamination on a project 76 / 100 76) An often overlooked infectious risk to patients during construction projects is: Drywall sanding External construction that may spread contaminants through the air Not performing fire watches Using negative air on construction projects Lead abatement 77 / 100 77) An effective method to break a majority of the links in the chain of infection is: Sanitizing surfaces Negative Pressure Air Positive Pressure Air Keeping yourself healthy Hand hygiene 78 / 100 78) An example of a challenge that contractors may face on an ongoing healthcare project are: Monitoring negative air in containment Finding a place to smoke Working with their usual sub-contractors Working with an architect Getting paid on time 79 / 100 79) A common example of an HAI would be: Asbestos Lead Silica Norovirus Exposure to chemical fumes 80 / 100 80) Contractors working in healthcare must understand: Healthcare terms, acronyms, and department functions Every Joint Commission regulation What the physicians do every day How administration chooses their construction budgets What their competitors are doing 81 / 100 81) MRI stands for: Major Renal Insufficiency Magnetic Revolving Imager Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic Resistance Image Majority Restitution Insurance 82 / 100 82) Thermal imaging (IR) cameras can detect: Particles in the air Temperature differences in a structure and can assist in identifying possible water migration paths The exact amount of water leaving a pipe Infectious pathogens on a surface Hidden mold growth 83 / 100 83) IAQ testing: Determines the water category of a loss Is not usually accompanied by a remediation protocol Should always be done by the general contractor Tests air quality and confirms the efficacy of remediation efforts Does not help define a contamination perimeter 84 / 100 84) Hospital staff should move certain equipment before work is performed. An example of equipment to be removed would be: Sharps containers Cabinets Furniture OR table TVs 85 / 100 85) The purpose of the red line in the OR is to: Help the doctors find the operating rooms Show the beginning of different types of flooring Mark the difference in adult and pediatric operating rooms Show nurses where to transport recovered surgery patients Mark the separation of a sterile area from a non-sterile area 86 / 100 86) Isolation barriers/temporary partitions should be: Erected as quickly and cheaply as possible Always made out of soft containment Smoke-tight or built out of non-combustible materials. Always made out of hard containment Erected only by hospital facilities engineering 87 / 100 87) The goal of the EOC program is to: Manage emergencies and disasters Provide a safe, functional and effective environment for patients, staff and visitors. Determine hospital budgets Select contracting companies for healthcare work Manage construction projects from start to finish 88 / 100 88) The MRI "zone" consists of: 1 zone 2 zones 3 zones 4 zones 5 zones 89 / 100 89) According to the ICRA Matrix, a project that involved a Medium Risk Group and Type C construction would likely be classified as a: Class I project Class II project Class III project Class IV project Class V project 90 / 100 90) The primary goal of all healthcare projects should be to: Make as much money as possible Complete the job as fast as possible Use cheap, unskilled labor Ignore infection control best practices Minimize risk to patients 91 / 100 91) An effective way to manage issues and concerns on a healthcare project is to: Take ownership of the project and maintain open lines of communication with the client Provide reports when you have time Let the sub-contractors discuss issues with the healthcare team Have a supervisor on scene a couple of days a week Work only during night-time hours 92 / 100 92) A Thermo-Hygrometer is used to measure: Air particles Temperature and relative humidity Negative air pressure Rate of air flow Rate of water flow 93 / 100 93) A particle counter can be used to: Test for viruses in the air Test specifically for mold spores Assess air scrubbing efforts and filter efficiency Measure the amount of fumes generated from a chemical Assess the amount of mold present behind a wall 94 / 100 94) The type goal of negative pressure in mitigation work is to maintain: -0.01 inches of water column -0.02 inches of water column -0.05 inches of water column 1 inches of water column 2 inches of water column 95 / 100 95) The device used to measure negative pressure effectiveness is called a: Nanometer Particle counter Manometer Protimeter Hammer probe 96 / 100 96) The first link in the chain of infection is the: Portal of entry Portal of exit Susceptible Host Agent Mode of transmission 97 / 100 97) Construction workers can avoid acquiring an HAI by: Wearing appropriate PPE Taking antibiotics Taking a multi-vitamin daily Only performing certain tasks Waiting to report an injury 98 / 100 98) The term disinfection means: Removing dirt and grime from a surface Removing 99.9% of pathogens Removing 99.99% to 99.9999% of pathogens Removal of all pathogens Removal of only certain pathogens 99 / 100 99) Dwell time refers to: The amount of time mold has been present in a wall cavity The amount of time a pathogen has been present on a surface The amount of time an infection is present in the body The amount of time that category 3 water has been present on a surface The amount of time a product needs to stay on a surface to effectively inactivate a pathogen 100 / 100 100) According to the ICRA Matrix, a project with a high risk patient group and a Type D project, the Class would be a: Class I Class II Class III project Class IV Class V Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte