Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

RLI respects your privacy

It is the policy of RLI never to divulge your personally identifiable information in any way to any third party. We will not divulge your email address, company information, or usage patterns to any third party, except as required by law.

The ways we use your data

Generally speaking, we only use the data you provide as necessary to create and deliver our products and services to you.

  • We may research usage patterns internally in order to create a better product.
  • We may compile aggregated data (such as average number of reports generated per week, across all users) for research purposes.
  • We may share some aggregated data, but only averages and aggregates that do not contain any personal information about you, your company, or the way you work with RLI.
  • We will cooperate with law enforcement organizations as required by law.

Working with you

Thank you for reading our privacy policy.RLI strongly respects privacy concerns and promises to work to maintain your data in the strictest confidentiality. If you have any questions or comments, please contact RLI.